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Jordans Village Community Store Ltd
Minutes for Annual Members Meeting (AMM)
Held Monday, 11th March 2024
Committee: Phil Hughes, Paul Wilson, Angela Hamme, Phil George, Ali Cork, Kate Ritchie, Louise Daughtry
Managers: Sally Wilson, Lesley Bantock, Jill Jeffery
Members & Villagers: N. Morgan, C. Waymouth, J. Sealy, R. Hall, A&C Roberts, S Orchard, J.Fields, J&J Scriven, V. Hughes, Mary Bellamy, C.Cork, F.Bagneris
Apologies: K. Bradnock, A&J Sonnex, G&R Short, S.Bunce, L.Bristow, P.Holdsworth, A. Sealy, H.Rootes, E.Cavett, J.Sanderman- Allen, Ann Floyd, Anita Wallace, Mr & Mrs Newport.
The Chairman opened the meeting by thanking the members and villagers for attending the meeting and their support.
He announced that Ali Cork and Graham Short are retiring from the Committee as of this meeting but will continue to help the shop with other duties. He thanked them both for their long service and their commitment.
Ali replied by saying it was a pleasure to be of service and will continue to do all she can to support the shop.
Phil welcomed Kate and Louise to the Committee and Lesley & Jill to the shop’s management team.
The Minutes for the last AMM (2021-22) was approved by all present.
The Chairman, Phil Hughes, presented a summary his report (copy available).
He confirmed that the sale of flats above the shop has fallen through.
M.Bellamy asked if the shop will be affected by the lack of maintenance by the current owner.
Phil replied that Committee is doing its best to control any problems arising and maintain the shop area as well as possible.
The Treasurer, Paul Wilson, presented a summary of the financial report (copy available).
R.Hall asked why there was a reduction, in the account, of the Amenity contribution.
Paul answered that the Committee did not request a contribution for the year 2021 to 22 because of the success in the shop’s fundraising actives during the year and that further contributions from the village was not necessary.
A.Roberts asked if we were earning interest on our cash reserve.
Paul replied ‘yes’ and that we have opened an account with Buckinghamshire Building Society which pays interest.
The Committee asked for approval from the members for the submission of the shop accounts (in accordance with FCA rules) without a full accountant audit.
Proposed by Colin Cork. Seconded by Vanessa Hughes. Approved by all present.
The Managers report was presented by Sally Wilson (copy available).
F.Bagneris suggested that the shop should stock items not easily found elsewhere.
Sally replied that the managers are always looking for local suppliers with unusual items.
J.Sealy suggested that the shop should seek publicity in the local press because of its unique quality.
C.Waymouth will pass on his contact in the local press.
M.Bellamy asked about the steps were being taken to protect staff in view of the nationwide shoplifting problem.
Sally replied that we have had a couple of incidents which has been satisfactorily dealt with.
Phil Hughes also explained that the staff and volunteers has been given guidelines if they feel threatened at any time.
C. Waymouth ask for an update on the Post Office.
Sally replied that they were back to normal after the disruption by Covid.
The meeting ended with N.Morgan saying that the shop adds to the quality of life in the village.
J.Scriven thanked everyone for their hard work and service.